Zbrojovka Brno 262.4

This board was manufactured by a Czechoslovakian company called Zbrojovka Brno in the late ’80s. Zbrojovka Brno manufactured small arms, motor vehicles, and later typewriters and computers.

I have documented another Zbrojokva board, and it’s very similar to that one.

Zbrojovka Brno 262.4 back


My good friend krikun98, helped me buy and ship a few Soviet-era boards along with this one. This board is in NOS condition, So I didn’t open it up to take some pictures.

NOS Zbrojokva Brno 262.4

The switches and keycaps are in excellent condition. The board even came with styrofoam, and I believe it is the original one. It doesn’t need any restoration; however, I need to make a converter for modern systems.